05 October 2009

Class of 1989!

This past weekend I had the opportunity to photograph the NWHS Class of 1989, 20th High School Reunion!! I must say, although I did not "officially" take part in any of the festivities, I did have a most excellent time.... and so did everyone else... To view the images from the evening please CLICK HERE!!! To view images you can click individual thumbnails OR click the larger image to advance.

To view celena's additional imagery and website you can go to: www.celenasinko.com

10 September 2009

Thriller Killer Video!!

On August 30th, 2009, some of the Thrill the World NYC Dancers were invited to participate in the newest video, King of Pop... A Killer Video, starring Itsi Atkins and Ola Ray (the original girl from the Thriller Video). The actual filming was done in Times Square but before hand to prep Times Square Arts Center was awesome enough to let us prep and get ready. When we left the center to make our way to Times Square the Zombies were literally "attacked" by the surrounding crowds, we had a blast!! Here are some of the behind the scene images, I hope you enjoy!! For a full view of the entire Web Gallery CLICK HERE!!!

All images copyright TTW NYC - ©Celena Sinko

Oh, don't forget we have a HUGE fundraiser happening on September 14th, 2009 at B. Smith's in Times Square NYC, you should all come bring your friends, family, fellow zombies, etc!!! You can see the dancers perform and were also going to be raising money for our Thrill the World NYC Charity - VH1 Save the Music!! Come out after work and enjoy some food and beverages. ALSO, we are still looking for more dancers to participate :0) Don't be shy come out and learn the dance to participate in the Big Event happening on October 24th, 2009!! Anyone who is willing to learn can participate, all ages are welcome!! :) CLICK HERE to go to the website to learn more about THRILL THE WORLD!!! :)

30 August 2009

BOYS! :)

This was "The Shot"

This is what happened immediately after wards...

Note to self... Don't make my older brother angry...
and if I do I better be able to run faster....

A Short time later... how the three of them can sit that close I'll never understand... Video Games will TAKE OVER YOUR MIND....

Little Actor ;)

This past summer, I had the opportunity to photograph a new up and coming child actor... Well... he is not there just yet BUT, I am keeping my fingers crossed. I've known Simon since, before he was even born. I can't believe how much he has grown!! Anyhow, the shoot happened the day after the night he spent at a friends house, he was tired but he pushed through and we got some good images. I also got the full scoop on Harry Potter Camp, Ben 10, and of course every cartoon a 9 year old boy watches these days, I really need to brush up on my TV cartoons...

08 July 2009


a face only a mother could love :)

28 June 2009

excerpts from Apollo's "Off the Wall"

Since the recent news of Michael Jackon's death there has been a 24-hour celebration of the life and music of Jackson in front of the famous Apollo Theater. People from all over have made the uptown pilgrimage to Harlem just to pay tribute to the "King of Pop." The walls outside of the Apollo the goodbyes, tributes, and thank yous to MJ. Not to mention the various vendors selling MJ paraphalalia. I only live a few blocks from the theater and went down during the early morning hours to avoid the mobs of people. I spent a long time getting lost in the words and images left for him and his family. I am making my first trip inside of the Great Apollo this Wednesday, which is the weekly amateur night (where the Jackson 5 first debuted)!! I am sure the theater will have a special surpirse this week for those that attend.

26 June 2009

on 125th Street...

i'll post some more later...

15 June 2009

Today is a good day :)

3...2...1... www.celenasinko.com relaunches, wahoo!! Please take some time to check out the updated site and imagery, hope you enjoy!